
Thursday, 11 January 2018

Summer Learning - 11-01-18

Summer Learning Journey 2018

Day Nine: Another World War (1939 - 1945)

Activity 1: An Eventful Experience
There was a long timeline of events during WWII.

Two major events were:
  • The 'Allies' (New Zealand, Australia, France, and Britain) gave Germany a deadline, asking them to retreat from Poland after days of killing and injuring the Polish. They didn't meet the deadline, so British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain officially announced on September 3rd, 1939 that Britain and the Allies were now at war with Germany.
    Image result for nazis surrender
  • In the Spring of 1945, the Allies and the Soviets were closing in on Berlin. Hitler, knowing that he was close to defeat, comitted suicide, leaving Karl Donitz to surrender on behalf of the Nazi's in Reims, France. May the 2nd was the day the Soviets invaded and conquered Berlin. As Berlin was conquered, the Nazi's would have no leaverage in their surrender. On May the 7th, Donitz unconditionally surrendered to the Allies, and on the 8th, the formalities were completed. May the 8th is a public holidays in some countries in Europe, known as V-E Day (Victory In Europe).

Activity 2: A Call to Arms
During WWII, over 140,000 soldiers from New Zealand were sent to fight overseas. 22 New Zealanders have been awarded a Victoria's Cross, which is a special honor presented by the New Zealand government for bravery.

Image result for charles upham vc
Charles Upham, is one of only three soldiers in New Zealand to win the Victoria's Cross twice. The first was awarded on October 14th 1941 in Crete, Greece, and the second on September 26th 1945 in Ruweisat Bridge, Egypt. He was wounded numerous times, and captured by the Nazi's. In his many escape attempts, he was New Zealand's only combat solider sent to the infamous Colditz camp in 1944.

Bonus Activity: Women at Work
Image result for nurses on ships in wwIIWomen also went overseas to work during the war, most commonly as nurses. Many nurses were stationed on large ships near countries at war.

One day you are walking along the deck of the ship when you hear a loud bang. You start to run as you see smoke coming from the far end of the ship. You run towards the room where your patients are waiting to receive treatment from the doctor. Just as you arrive at the door to their room you hear another loud bang and you...
are greeted with a room full of panicked patients. "We're going to die!" Screams one young man. "They're coming for us!" Cries another. One of the other nurses and my close friend, Josie, rushes towards me, her face a picture of fear. "They're bombing us!" She informs me, bursting into tears. We had been very lucky with the placement of our ship, well until now... All around us were soldiers with their game faces on. They were going to do all they could to protect us, that's why they are here. We just needed to stay calm. I raced around the room, personally having a chat with and calming all my patients. When I was sure they were all secure, I gave Josie a hug and whispered "Thank you", and diligently dashed out the door. I wasn't going to hide away in a room, just because I am a woman doesn't mean I can't fight for my freedom. Nazi's were everywhere, shooting men, smashing supplies, and grabbing and taking away nurses and patients. I ran to the back of the ship and started pulling away the captured nurses and patients into the back room. After a long and vicious battle between us Allies and the Nazi's, the Nazi's left with a few prisoners that I couldn't save. Most of our soldiers had fallen, and the ones remaining were critically injured. "We're off to France!" Called the captain, pulling the ship out into the ocean. There was going to be a long night ahead...


  1. Hi Crystal,

    You did great on each activity, but I mostly adored your story.
    I read your story start to end, I really like how you used adjectives and academic vocubalary. I enjoyed the story line, it makes me wonder what will happen next? Great job!


    1. Hey Darvani,

      It's Jade C from the Summer Learning Journey team. It's awesome to see you being active and commenting on other students' blogs. You have been giving great suggestions and feedback to others. Keep up the amazing work :)

      Jade C.

    2. Thanks Davarni :)

  2. Hi there Crystal,

    Jade F here from the Summer Learning Journey team!

    Well done on completing another set of activities. I’m very impressed with the detailed information that you have written about your two chosen events from the WWII timeline! I did a study in high school about WWII and I was so fascinated with the history and various events that happened during those long 6 years of war. What were some other facts that you came across when you were researching your two events?

    With your second activity, I thought your explanation on the VE winner Charles Upham was fantastic! That is so amazing that he’s received the Victoria Cross twice. He sounded like an incredibly brave soldier and his family must’ve been incredibly proud of him. Did you know that he was from Christchurch? Interesting right? :)

    For your bonus activity, I really loved reading your short story! Your story line kept me at the edge of my seat when I was reading. So much suspense! Very clever that you left your story on a cliffhanger, I definitely wanted to keep reading on to find out what happens next! Awesome work Crystal!

    Looking forward to reading more of your blog posts!

    All the best,
    Jade F :)

    1. Hi Jade,

      I have always found learning about the world wars interesting, and I have chosen history as a subject this year to learn even more about them.

      Crystal :)


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